Friday 14 April 2017

Toledo & Fremont

I have been on a 20 day visit to the United States.  During that time I took around 830 photographs and you will be pleased to know that I'm not going to share all of them with you today.  Or at any time really!

My plan is to share photos of various parts of my trip starting with Ohio.  My friend Mary lives in Toledo.  I flew from Birmingham to Dublin, Dublin to Chicago, Chicago to Detroit where Mary picked me up and took me to her house.

The next day we went on a walking took of Toledo - in particular the Warehouse District.  The sky was blue but it was quite chilly.  However I had taken clothes appropriate for the weather!

This was outside an art materials shop - which of course we visited!

I love this sculpture of children peeking through a whole in the fence to see inside the baseball stadium.

This is a stunning mural

Another sculpture - this time inside the stadium.  I took the photo through the railings.

I loved this mural of Venice

And this photo is definitely going in my Venice project sketchbook

The gate to the stadium.

Over the long weekend we also visited Michaels, Jo-Anns, Hobby Lobby and Dick Blicks.  What can I say!?!  We like art materials.

On Friday we returned to Detroit airport to pick up two ladies who had flown in to attend a retreat that Mary & I had booked to attend.  Refine {The Retreat} was held from Friday evening to Sunday morning at an old convent in Fremont, Ohio.  Mary wrote about her experience on her blog Found on Brighton.

There was an amazing art room which we could use almost any time.  Plus there was a two hour art session led by Christine Hiester

This is the journal page that I did.  I journaled on the page first and then painted over it.  Christine had provided various photos to use.

On our way home I wanted to see the river in Fremont.  These signs were along the path to the river.

Some interesting questions!  Presumably addressing some community point or behaviour.  Not sure really.

It was a bit of a murky day but that didn't stop these folks from fishing.

On my last day in Toledo we spent a relaxed morning doing arty things.  I worked on pages in my travel journal.

Mary took me to Detroit airport and I flew to Orlando for the next stage of my trip.  More about that on Monday.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, and a lovely post. Bob and I both admit we didn't know where Toledo is, so we had to look it up. Looking forward eagerly to the next report of your trip. Have a brilliant Easter!! My favourite photos were the Venice murals, but I loved the street signs too...


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