Saturday, 18 January 2020

Setting up my 2020 journal

It took me a long time to decide what sort of journal to use this year and how to set it up.  Was it just going to be a journal for my word of the year or become an everyday journal.  Of course there was the added issue of deciding to change my word.  Fortunately I had changed my mind before I started on the journal.  I bought this Port Red Leuchtturm with squared paper.

The journal comes with pages labelled Content so I left these to be filled in as the year goes on.  The pages are numbered which helps.

I did this year and next year at-a-glance calendars.

Then two double page spreads of monthly calendars.  The January to June is full of workshops and outings already.  Here's the second half of the year waiting to be filled in.

I did a double page listing on the left the online courses I have in my 'library'.  On the right are the courses I signed for this year (but haven't necessarily looked at!)

I printed out the in-person workshops I have booked.  Mary recommended a pad of Newsprint which is much thinner than printer paper.  I was concerned my printer might not like it but it was fine.  It doesn't bulk up the journal like printer paper does.

Two pages for textile groups I belong to and the work in progress.

A year long Gratitude Log.  I found this layout online.

I moved on to double page spreads for Bible verses and quotes about my word of the year, Walk.

A monthly calendar for January.  I tried out using Gelatos through a stencil.

By this time it was already January 13th so to catch up quickly I drew 12 boxes and wrote in each of them for each day.

This is the record of photographs I am taking for the Head, Heart and Hands daily practice.

In our Facebook group, Valerie is currently posting weekly activities or questions relating to our word.  Her first suggestion was a word study.

On to this current week.  This is part to-do list, part diary.

Hopefully you have noticed that I use washi tape, stickers and coloured pens and pencils in quite a simple way to make my pages look colourful and 'arty'.  You don't have to be good at 'art' to produce pleasing pages.

Thanks for joining me today.

Living Your Word 2020
My friends Valerie Sjodin and Mary Brack, and I share insights through blog posts for creatively living a word of the year. In our Facebook group, we encourage one another by posting questions and prompts to inspire living out a word focus, keeping a journal etc. It is a safe place to ask for prayer and support. If you would like to connect with others in creative ways about living your word, you can ask to join our Living Your Word of the Year 2020 by clicking on the link below.

Join our Facebook group: Living Your Word of the Year

On social media: #livingyourword2020

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