Saturday, 11 January 2020

Further pages in my workbook

I last shared with you the pages of workbook that related to containers and to patterns using a gondola prow shape.

I continued with this pattern, printing out the patterns I had already composed on the computer.  I cut these up and made various paper samples.  The first one is weaving the paper.

Then I tried cutting up several photos in the same way and then mixing up the pieces.

I made collages with torn strips of the photos.

The next task was to find 4 ways to transfer designs to fabric using two‘low tech’ methods and two 'high tech methods'.

For the high tech methods I first chose to print the patterns onto cotton fabric through my inkjet printer.

For the second method I had a thermofax screen made of the gondola prow design and printed randomly with it using acrylic paint.

The first low tech method I used was to make a lino print.  I cut a negative and positive 'tile' in the lino.

The second method was to use compressed sponge to make a 'stamp' of the shape.

I started working on samples for the next task.  I had been on a Leah Higgins' workshop and used breakdown printing in my Venetian colours.  I cut up some of the fabric to make the samples and used the set patterns on my machine to add texture.

I also tried out paper lamination.  I did a workshop with Christine Chester several years ago but have never done anything with it.

I moved onto painting Lutradur and distressing it with the heat gun.

I hand stitched and/or machine stitched on the samples and put them all into a hand-made book.   I'll show you the results in my next post.

Thank you for joining me today.


  1. Great work. I really like seeing the progression of the design. It would be good to see your thoughts on what is working for you and how you might build on that.

  2. Thank you Bernice, loved seeing the progression and different ideas. Like the colour pallette, colour washing off oh no ! Looking forward to seeing whats next, very inspiring, keep on going 🙂


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