Saturday, 22 January 2022

Addictive or what!!!

Oh dear.  This Happy Planner lark is becoming very, very addictive.  I promised myself I would only have one planner but then I bought a Be Happy box called Grateful Heart and another planner came in the box.  So now I have two.

Warning! Long post.  Lots of photos.

I decided that now I have {more} than one planner I would use the second one to record the {more}.

I have mixed up a variety of products in this planner which is called frankenplanning.  I know!

Here is a a folder and an opening card divider.

I decided to print out a bigger version of the Values, Intentions and Goals from my everyday planner journal.

This new planner came with 4 tabbed dividers.  This one says Define Your Passion which I thought would be a good lead in to the Creative section.

I printed out a larger version of the original Creative list in my other planner.

I moved the books read tracker to this planner and made myself a blog post tracker.

I've made several pages about workshops and online courses I'm doing.  It's my intention to write about what I'm learning and to include photos.

Next, I have a section on my finished pieces of work and those which are still works in progress.  I have written how they were made.  I want to go back to this to write about what I learned and what I could have done differently in the hopes that will lead to other piecs.

The next divider says Happy & Grateful.  I decided to use this section for my Spiritual intentions.

The opening page and list

My daughter-in-law recommended a Bible-in-a-Year reading plan on YouVersion.  I've downloaded the year's plan and intend to colour in each completed day.

Following on are the notes I've made whilst reading the Bible and listening to the accompanying podcast.

The next section has my notes from the talks on Sunday at Jubilee Church.

The next section is for the physical intentions

However making the page is as far as I've got.  Does cutting out and glueing count as movement?   It's probably good for my mental health but not really getting me any fitter.

And the last section's divider says Be Present in the Moment.  A suitable comment for my section on Community.

This section will record the various activities I'm involved with.  Here's a list of all the themes we've had in Snapshot Girls.

I have spent most of the week working on this.  I hadn't realised it would be so time consuming.  However now it's almost set up it should take up less of my time.

Thanks for joining me today.

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