Saturday, 1 January 2022

A new planner

 Happy New Year

For many people January 1st is a day when they set resolutions and so often these don't last long.   For the last few years I have chosen a Word of the Year.  Last year's was Intentional.  News on my word for 2022 to come!

Throughout 2021 I followed along with Valerie Sjodin's Plan With Me premium version, although I did do my own version of it.  I'm pleased to say that I've almost completed the journal - just a few gaps to fill in for December.

I had planned to carry on in this journal for 2022 doing a version of what I've been doing the last few months.  However I looked into trying something else.  I wanted to do something creative but easy!

Before I settled on using the Happy Planner for 2022, I binged watched YouTube videos showing ideas on how to use one.  There are 26 HP Squad members and 5 Mentors and eventaully I decided to settle on three ladies: Heather, MaryEllen and Elisa.

I already had some Happy Planner stickers from visits to the US so I knew what standard the products are but hadn't ever invested in a planner.

I decided to buy the Neutral Watercolor themed Planner and the matching stickers.  I also bought Watercolor Recovery theme stickers.

After watching numerous videos I started on pages in the planner.  I started by stamping 2022 over January 1st & 2nd.   I may decide to colour these.

Then I did a little collage of our evening out on December 27th using photos I took at SYmphony Hall and the Cosy Club where we had dinner.

I added lots of stickers.  It was ready to use.  It took me most of a morning to do these pages.  I really need to speed up - but I expect that, as with most things, that will come with practice.

I have also bought other sticker sets and some extension packs.  I think this is a particularly expensive hobby here in the UK.  In the US where there are discount coupons to use at Michaels, JoAnns or Hobby Lobby it is probably somewhat cheaper.

I am looking forward to using the planner during the year.  I hope to make into a record of my year rather than just an apointments book.

More on my Word of the Year next week.

Thanks for joining me today.

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