Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Word of the Year 2022

There was a clue at the end of my last post which might have led you to my choice of word for 2022.  Did you pick it up?  Don't worry if you didn't - it was a bit subtle - if not totally missable!

I was still trying to decide on a word on December 30th.  Usually I know my word of the year much earlier than that.  I had a shortlist of Flourish, Imagine, Nurture, Growth, Develop, Gratitude and Increase.  But none of them really grabbed me.  I decided to write down what I wanted to be able to say at the end of December about my year.

It became obvious from this list that what I wanted to see was more of the things in the list.  So there it was my word for the year.

I looked through my preparations for {Intentional} in January 2021 and decided that my purpose and my core values remain the same.  I couldn't find suitable stickers so I made my own boxes and typed into them on Publisher.

They are ready to cut up and glue into my planner.  However I am waiting for the delivery of the extra dotted grid pages so the glueing will have to wait.

I found some suitable Bible verses and quotes and wrote those out.

Although I'm using a planner from The Happy Planner, I will be using it as a creative mix of planner, a diary, a journal and a memory-keeper.  I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks for joining me today.


  1. I chose MORE for 2018 (https://angalmond.blogspot.com/2018/01/more.html) It proved to be a good choice - hope your year is MORE abundantly blessed than you can imagine right now ☺️♥️👍🙏

    1. Thanks Angela. Thanks too for the link to your blog.

  2. Hi Bernice,
    Love this idea and the way you mapped out your intentions into the various categories💙


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