Have you been joining in with the 21 words challenge this week?
Here are my sentences:
1. Saffron
Saffron smiled at her reflection as she tossed her long, newly dyed ahir. At last her goldn-orange almost crimson tresses matched her name.
2. Jaundiced
Twitter seems to be a place where some embittered people tweet prejudiced, some might say jaundiced, viewpoints.
3. Writhed
The people took a step back as the wooden staff Moses had thrown down writhed along the ground and reared its head. Moses grabbed the snakes's tail and the staff resumed its original form.
4. Pummelled
The potter pummelled the block of solid clay until it was sufficiently pliable to make a beautiful pot.
5. Crestfallen
Standing in the start gate, the World, European and 5 time Olympic champion, began his visualisation of his race. As he began his slide down the mountain a smile appeared as he visualised the next day’s headlines. GOAT – Greatest of All Time. Distracted by this thought Albert Crest entered a turn late and overshot the blue line. Attempting to correct his course the edge of his ski slipped and he fell, sliding into the safety netting. His race was over. A rueful smile as he made his way slowly down the mountain. Already he knew what the headline would be: Crestfallen
6. Benevolence or benevolent
7. Rigorous
In order for UK charities to use money donated to them in a benevolent manner to the less fortunate, the charity must have a rigorous accounting system.
As you can see I amalgamated the day 6 & 7 words into one sentence.
And here are the words for this week:
8. Prodigious
9. Insipid
10. Unpalatable
11. Resonance
12. Inaudible
13. Camouflage
14. Clenched
If you have written any sentences using these words this week, do share them in the comments.
Thanks for joining me today
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