Saturday, 13 July 2024

Accidents will happen!

This week's online poetry workshop was Theme Poetry and the theme was Accidents.

First though, we had a warm-up exercise to do inspire by a poem called This Poem Is Shy by John Foster.

Without Hope

This poem is forlorn
Tucked away at the back
Of the book, an afterthought!

This poem is woebegone
Regarded as worthless
By those who come before

This poem is dismayed
It wants to shout, to speak
Words of fulfillment

This poem is deemed faint-hearted,
Cowardly, as it trembles
Asking itself 'why?'

This poem wants to be brave
To shout, to speak, to entertain
To be remembered

As the reader
the book.

Sarah-Jane gave us various suggestions for thetype of poem we could write about accidents. I chose to write a poem personifying an item or object that had caused an accident. What would it say if it could speak, think, feel, dream like a human being?


Smashed! Not our fault
Cut off!  Really not our fault
SHe held us in her fist
Clenched tight across her body.

She tripped!   Not our fault
Her fist clenched tight
Hindering our escape.
Not our fault.

She landed on us, squeezing us
Into her hand, smashing
The fragile bones of the little
And the ring finger.

The swollen damage tightening
The ring's grip.  Cut off.
Repaired year's later to be worn
On a different finger.

We ride in dark pockets now
Only seeing light
When she reaches her car
Or her front door.

You may remember the piece of work I made based on the keys incident (see photos). It's called Hidden Support.

Thanks for joining me today

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