Wednesday, 9 May 2012

I know... I know.... I know....

I said I wouldn't do any more technique classes.  However who could resist a class by Roben-Marie Smith called: Collage, Construct & Affirm.

Well I couldn't!

I am taking part in an online book study called 'Unlocking the Heart of the Artist' and the questions for homework are really hard.  So I procrastinated. (Where have we heard this before?)

However I procrastinated creatively for once and started watching the videos and collaging and painting my canvas.  I was supposed to be using canvas paper but I didn't have any so used canvas on a roll.

Here are two pieces of the canvas.

And here's the third piece cut up and creased ready to make into journal covers.

And the homework still awaits!!!


  1. Oh Bernice! *G* What will we do with you. I want to do the Uber Gesso course but am refusing to do so until I have finished creative chemistry.

  2. Oh, and wonderful canvass by the way - but that almost goes without saying cos just about everything you do is great.

  3. Beautiful! I'm always happy to see what you're creating, so please go take more classes! LOL!

  4. Those pages look great - nothing wrong with a bit of procrastination if you ask me!


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