Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Spare room

We are slowly going to declutter the house and generally rescue it from its tired state.  The small spare room had this problem:

And so we thought we had better start here in case when the wallpaper was pulled off all the plaster came with it.

Fortunately that's as bad as it got and now looks like this:

The rest of the room has had lining paper and paint on the walls and one wall has had the leftover wallpaper that I found when we cleared out the room.  It's left over from another bedroom.

I had thought about having new carpet and curtains in this room but Roger couldn't see the point so I saved the money.   And to make it look a bit different from before used the duvet cover from another bedroom.

I'm really pleased with the result.  The next room is the study but that has sooooooo much stuff in it I can hardly bear to think about starting it. 

And anyway the weather is much too warm for decluttering!

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! It feels great to get it done.
    New carpets/floors and cleaning out the garage are the really big projects left for us this year.


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