Friday, 16 November 2012

Day 16 My Attitude of Gratitude Journal

If you want to join in with making an Attitude of Gratitude Journal through the month of November click through to the Challenge blog.

Here on this blog I am going to share how I made the page for today's prompt on Random Acts of Kindness.

Today's art challenge was to 'stamp with a mask'.

There are a lot of photographs in today's post.

I have noticed a lot of mentions about Gelli Plates lately.  I don't own one but I know it is possible to print using my glass plate.

I put some acrylic paint onto the plate and using a brayer I spread the paint.

I drew patterns in the paint. (This is the same paint - just taken in a different light!)

 I smoothed the paper onto the painted plate and lifted it off revealing this print.

I added green paint without cleaning the previous colour off and drew again.

And took another print. It is possible to take more than one print but each successive one will be paler.

I brayered the excess paint onto the backing paper.  I'm loving how it's looking!

Now it's dry it has a lovely random feel to it.

Then I tried today's challenge.  Now trying something new when you're showing your work on your blog may not be the best idea.  So you may want to try it on spare paper rather than in your journal.  I used 3 different colours.

When I thinned the Golden liquid acrylic with a wet brush I made it too thin so eventually just went with the liquid paint.

Since I felt it wasn't totally obvious what these were I drew round the masks with a black pen.

I added the verse and wrote my journaling along the spiral on the left.

Hope you have fun with today's challenge.  But if you want to try something else that's fine!!!

See you tomorrow.


  1. Love your outline and journaling in pen.

  2. It's been such an interesting read seeing how you made your lovely page. The ink outlining really sharpens and defines - very inspiring!

  3. Got a bit confused with all the paint to start with as I couldn't see where a mask was coming in? Then the flowers - phew! Love how you page turned out and wondering what I can come up with for mine now. BJ


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