Thursday, 22 November 2012

Day 22 My Attitude of Gratitude Journal

If you want to join in with making an Attitude of Gratitude Journal through the month of November click through to the Challenge blog.

Here on this blog I am going to share how I made the page for today's prompt on Thanksgiving.

Today's art challenge was to 'find a way to add texture to your page today'.

I spread a narrow strip of gesso down the left hand side of the page and pressed a rubber stamp into the gesso and left the gesso to dry.  Remember to clean your stamp straightaway.

I wiped some turquoise and some green acrylic paint onto the whole page.

Then I stamped the leaves with gesso instead of ink.

When the gesso had dried I sprayed with pink ink and restamped the leaf stamps with black Archival ink. 

I  also stamped some leaves off the edge of the page.  I stuck the verse on and did the journaling.
As the gesso dried it absorbed some of the bright pink ink so now the leaves are slightly pink!

Another page to come back to I think.  I might possibly highlight the flower pattern on the left hand side with black pen.  Not sure though!  What do you think?

See you tomorrow.


  1. Great job! I've got two more pages ready to complete tomorrow; including one from this prompt.

  2. I really like the fine black outlines which are echoed in the type and youyr writing - I think some of that on the left would be lovely. I am enjoying very much seeing how your lovely pages come together.

  3. I have etched into gesso to get a swirly pattern but I never thought of using stamps in gesso.....what a great idea...and I love the look. I am starting a new page today and can't wait to try out this new technique. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Great texture and I love the added pink as it brightens the page. :)


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