Friday, 21 June 2013

Postcard Theology

The guest today on 12 Months in View is the Rev. Andrew Hall.  He uses the idea of meditation on bible verses, in this instance the Psalms, and combines it with art and creativity as a further form of meditation.  Oc course you can do whole journal pages rather than postcards but I like the idea of reducing the size of the paper you are working on.

I was making gelli plate prints for Summer of Color and was cleaning my brayer by rolling it on a spare piec of paper which ended up like this.  The flowers were from lifting the colour off the gelli plate with a stamp and stamping it on this paper to clean it.

I cut this paper into 2 pieces, 7 inches by 5 inches to be large postcards.

I read through the Psalms of Ascents and chose Psalm 121 first.  I was trying to think how I could portray God being the shade at my right hand and I remembered this palm tree stamp.

Then I chose Psalm 133.  Although the Psalm doesn't mention either the heart or vision this Psalm is often used about unity in the church so I used the Dylusions heart stamps.

I put both of them into my journal.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Gorgeous SOC postcards. I especially like unity.
    ps the Passport to Art posts have been fabulous so far! Looking forward to it.


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