Wednesday, 6 August 2014

More planner pages

Last month I shared the pages for weeks 26 to 28.  The 52 Psalms study is being posted again after a short break but I have carried on sticking them into my book week on week which means that when I was sharing weeks 26-28 I hadn't received the study.  So here's a catch up.

Week 26

Week 27

Week 28
One of the challenges for Documented Life Project was to add hearts to the page and I found this great piece of scrapbook cardstock.  When I came to stick the next Psalm in there were more hearts.

Week 29
This was another week of watching the Tour de France.

Week 30
And yet another week of watching cycling.  Although I did go off for two days to a workshop with Hilary Beattie.

In One Little Word for July we were presented with a prompt which required us to do three things during the month: Self-care, Giving and Celebrate.  The page on the right is a gelli print.
Thanks for stopping by.

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