Friday 31 October 2014

What's happening?

I have been very busy over the last month preparing for two happenings tomorrow.   You've no idea how many emails have gone back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean.

Firstly there is a blog hop to celebrate the launch of His Kingdom Come, a new online community.

You can start the blog hop here on my blog or start at the top of the list you'll find on my blog post tomorrow.

Plus Pause, Ponder & Prepare starts and continues daily until November 25th with a closing post on November 29th.  There's still time to decide to take part.  An opportunity to make an Advent Calendar telling the Christmas Story and/or an Advent Journal.

I hope you will be joining me tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.


I would love you to leave me an encouraging comment. Don't forget to put your name. I love to know who is commenting. Thank you.