Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Take Me Deeper: Transform Vulnerably

The theme for week 2 of Take Me Deeper has been about being vulnerable - not something I am at all comfortable with.

Unlike last week where I drew the boxes after I'd applied the paint, this week I drew the boxes on the left hand page.  I spritzed the right hand page with water and using watercolour paints I put colour onto the page.  I spritzed with water again and then moved the paper to make the colours merge.

I screwed up a carrier bag and pressed it into the wet paint and left it to dry.

When I pulled off the plastic bag there was a beautiful pattern in the paint.

I stamped butterflies onto the pages and stamped the words using orange Distress ink.  I coloured them in with a Neocolor II crayon and went over the colour with a waterpen.

In the photo you can see the empty letters, the coloured in letters (Vuln) and the water painted letters.

I printed out the verses that I had really picked up on through the study and cut them up, inked the edges and stuck them down.   Sadly where I wrote the words Charis and Grace the pen I used was not a waterproof one so when I put the orange colour on the black ink ran!

At this point, when I needed to add the journaling, I went off on avoidance activities.  I backed up my computer to the external hard drive and tidied up the hard drive on the desk top computer.  Anything to avoid accepting the need to do business with God.

However I returned to it and wrote in the boxes.

I didn't feel I had anything to write in the last two boxes so I stamped a dandelion and its seeds instead.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Gorgeous pages, love the effect of the bag

  2. WOW beautiful plus some new things for me to try - thank you so much for sharing :)

  3. Love your phrase "avoidance activities" as I laughed out loud when I read it - knowing exactly what you meant. I find the strangest things to do when avoiding something I don't want to do. Deadlines are my best friend but also a stress maker since I finally have to face that "thing".

  4. Thanks for sharing our art process Bernice!

  5. Wow. Your page is sooo pretty! I love the technique you did.

  6. Beautiful! I love seeing your in progress photos too. Thanks for sharing.


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