Monday 26 October 2015

Selfies: and how not to take them

I really don't do Selfies and when you see these photos you will know why!  I am usually the one taking the photos and I rarely appear in other people's photos.  However whilst in Australia recently (more about that in other posts) I wanted to take a photo of Roger & I and the gelato we were eating to show my daughter-in-law.  (That's ice cream for my crafting friends - not the creamy pens you like to use!)   I used my camera rather than my phone so I couldn't see what I was taking.

Since there was too much sun in the first one we moved to another bench and tried again.

Almost!  And then!

As you can see we got photos of us and photos of the gelato but not in the same frame!

Next time (if there is a next time!) I'll try my phone.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. haha!! Love this Bernice! I have the same trouble with my camera and mobile, though my new mobile has a front facing camera too so there is chance for improvement. Love that you posted these, I think we can all relate and laugh with you. By the way, the ice cream looks lovely even if it did melt before you finished taking these selfies!!

    1. My mobile has a front facing camera Sandie. I just forgot I had it with me and used the camera instead! :D

  2. I don't take good selfies either, but you managed to capture two happy people, enjoying each other's company and think that is what you really wanted to do after all.
    Teresa :)

  3. Welcome to Australia Bernice. Hope you and your husband had a great time. Looking forward to your Aussie posts! 3: )


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