Friday, 16 October 2015

October week 3: Journey to the Cross

Do you ever look at those Pinterest Fails pictures - you know the ones where they show a wonderful picture of say a cake and then the person's version that looks nothing like the original?

Well I started this week's page with a photo I found of a beautiful page on Pinterest.  And right from the start it went wrong.  I sprayed some inks onto the page and there was far too much  - it took up about twice as much of the page as the original.  And actually I think the original used watercolour paints not ink sprays.

I carried on using the original as inspiration but not worrying that mine didn't look like it.  In fact if you know me well I hate my work looking like someone else's.  I usually come home from workshops with finished pieces that look totally unlike the tutor's.

I stamped and added some washi tape.

I cut out a cross and stuck it on.  The theme for March was Journey to the Cross and so is the them for ReWind this week.

And then I used the silver footprint rub-ons that I had.

Then I stamped a verse at the bottom.

It looks a bit unfinished but I decided to leave it because I couldn't think of anything else to do.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. ..and as always I just SO enjoy your pieces. Fun to read the way this came to be, and it's always fun to see where the Lord takes us as we do our pieces with Him.

  2. Love this...and seeing how you put it all together.

  3. Sometimes we can go back and see it afresh and new ideas come. It's good to hear about pieces that don't go as planned because that's real life. I like that you went on with it and shared your experience Bernice.

  4. I think the page is beautiful! I don't think there was a fail at any part. Listen to God and what He has to say is more important then anything else.

  5. The paint splatches are so pretty! I love your color choices.

  6. A gorgeous page - perfect balance!
    I"ve been on hiatus but am popping back in to blog land.
    Great to see you,


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