Sunday, 28 February 2016

Almost at the end

I have managed to work in my February challenge sketchbook every day so far.  Only today and tomorrow left!   My previous post is here.

Day 21
Copies of a seedhead photo altered to black and white and to greyscale, stuck into my sketchbook and stamped over.

Day 22
A paper I wiped my brayer onto when I was doing gelli printing with extra stencilling and stamped leaves collaged on.

Day 23
Collage on a painted background

Stamping with a stamp I made from a large eraser

Day 24
A string stamp

Stamping on a painted background - all too fussy for me

Day 25
Acrylic paints to make the background. Stencilled on top and drawn into with black and white pens

Day 26
Inspired by the work of Cas Holmes and Jane LaFazio.  Neocolor II crayons on a gesso background.  Stamped and faux stitching

Day 27
Tags cut from painted paper.  Collaged, stencilled and faux stitching

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow! I really like what you've been doing in your sketchbook, Bernice! I especially like the mixture of photography and stamping on day 21. :)

  2. You have been busy!! Loving these Bernice

  3. Enjoyed seeing your sketchbooks developing Bernice. Lovely work. Cas


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