Friday, 25 August 2017

More books!

Yes I know!

I said no more books!  I said it publicly in this post: Books on Creativity.

But then!

There were these!

I blame Bobby Britnell for this one.  At the workshop in Llanidloes she had a copy of this book for us to look at as part of our research into other artists' work.   I totally fell for the book.  There was another one called Maps by the same artist but it's out of print and is £244 on Amazon for something that was issued at about £9.95

This one I saw on Facebook and ordered it from the new & used section on Amazon.  When I got to the Festival of Quilts the authors had an exhibition of the work featured in the book.

And lastly I just bought this.  And then realised I already had a copy  - I bought it in the US in June.

So, for UK peeps only, I'm doing a giveaway.  Comment below on why you would like the magazine by the end of Monday 28th August and I will randomly choose one person to send this copy to.  You can see what's in it on the Stampington site.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Every time you review a book I have to check it out!!! most go on my amazon wishlist and some go straight in the basket!!! I remember the Nigel Peake 'Maps' book from a workshop with Ineke but sadly I never found a copy1
    I've never seen this magazine before but then I buy so few these days, preferring to buy books instead!

    1. Could you email your address please

    2. It hasn't arrived. Could you try again or check in your outbox to see if it's still there please.

  2. I too am a book addict, have the Nigel Peake, just ordered Interpreting Themes so really need the Somerset Studios to make a hat trick!

    1. Could you email your address please

    2. It won't seem to let me email you from this page so I'll message you via Facebook.


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