Saturday, 20 July 2019

Leah Higgins Too

As promised last time, here are the fabrics I printed.  The colours in the photos aren't totally true to the fabric but you will see how using a colour family you can get lots of fabric that goes together.

Let's start with the ones that really didn't work well as part of the family.  However when they are cut up they may work after all.

Now on to the ones that did work.  Remember the grid I drew on the scrren with straight lines.  This is how it prints.

This was a mix of torn masking tape resist and embedded items.

The next few are various screens of embedded items.

Spreading the dye with a credit card

More embedded screens

Using crumpled up plastic bags to make the pattern on the screen.

 Another masking tape and embedded items screen

And the grid again

Another colourway from the masking tape and embedded items screen

Using the drippage screens

There are some more fabrics but I they are very similar to the ones you have already seen. Most of the fabrics will be cut up and used as smaller pieces but this last one may well stay as a whole cloth.  Still thinking about that!

And finally the whole pile!

If you are interested in breakdown printing and the way Leah uses it, you can see her gallery at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC from August 1st-4th.  It is undoubtedly the best fabric, stitch and quilt show in the UK.  Don't miss it.

Thanks for joining me today

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