Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Concertina Sketchbook

Last week I spent a couple of days at Littleheath Barn doing a Concertina Sketchbook workshop taught by Karen Stamper.  I did a one day class with Karen last September, but between the fact that I was hosting and that I had only just got the use of my hand back, I thought I would try again with this 2 day workshop.  And I'm pleased I did because I achieved so much more and the pages look more like I wanted them to.

On day one we started by preparing some of the pages in the sketchbook.

Then we added coloured inks.  I used Black and Sepia.

Karen demonstrated various techniques and I built up layers as the day went on.

At this point I realised that the pages weren't working how I wanted them to, and I turned the book up the other way.

By the end of day one I had 12 pages that I was mostly happy with and in the last half hour I started on the next 12 or so pages.

I'll show you day two next time.

Thanks for joining me today.



  1. I love your book pages Bernice. I’ve booked onto the Karen Stamper workshop next year on the strength of the pics Liske posted, the work is fabulous. I have a mountain of photos of Venice, Ljubljana and Vienna from a train trip we took in 2017, and I’ll soon have a mountain of India photos! So plenty of inspiration.

  2. A fantastic record Bernice! Thank you for sharing, I am so glad you could do so much more this time :)

  3. I was interested to learn you turned the pages up the other way, good to have this idea and to be open to it. Glad you found the 2 day course worth doing. I love Karen's style and look forward to working with her myself one day. And to seeing your next 12 pages!

  4. I've now seen what you did to complete these pages. I am in absolute awe at your creative skill in producing such a masterpiece. Well done, Bernice.


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