Tuesday 16 October 2018

Karen Stamper workshop

I signed up to do Karen Stamper's Online Course because I couldn't wait for the September workshop that I had invited her to do at The Studio in Solihull.  I have found it very beneficial to do both.

This is as far as I got with the online course.  I used a Khadi paper zigzag book.

At the Solihull workshop I used the recommended Seawhite concertina book.  I took photos of various stages. 

Using Seawhite inks in black and sepia

Posca Pen sky after adding a skyline

Adding foreground features

The inspiration was Venice although I have had a couple of comments about it looking like Marrakech!

Since the workshop I have tried to find a way of incorporating Karen's techniques with my preference to find a style that works for me.

This is only the first layer.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks for joining me today.

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful Bernice I’m still looking forward to going to Karen’s workshop


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