Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Capturing the Place

In September I spent 3 memorable days with my friends Lorna and Sandie at Forge Mill Museum on an art retreat led by Hilary Beattie.

We spent the three days immersing ourselves in the place.  I took lots of photos - mostly outside the building.  I didn't really ever get to the inside.  Before I went I was planning to do about the cogs and wheels of the machinery but I never made it that far.

In today's blog post I am going to share some of the photos I took and then in the next blog post I'll show you my sketchbook.

The room we were working in.

Bits and pieces around the mill


Next time - how these photos and the place itself impacted the work in my sketchbook.

Thanks for joining me today


  1. Love these images Bernice, they show what a wealth of interest there is at Forge Mill.

  2. Great shots Bernice. I love that place too and wished I was rhere for more than just a day trip. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  3. Great photos Bernice, l have some of the same shots - great minds think alike! I loved sharing this time and experience with you and look forward to seeing your next post and Sketchbook


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