Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Last days

Only three days left!

Thursday saw us visit the Cascades.  I was expecting a waterfall but there you are!  We had a lovely loop walk.

Driving on along the south coast we reached Walpole.  We had been told about a really good boat trip here but the it turned out the guy only did one trip a day and we were too late for it.

We drove up through the forest to Hilltop View.  This was the first time we had taken a gravel road on this trip.

Further along the track there was the Giant Tingle Tree.

And just for once we took photos of each other!

Further along this same track was Circular Pool - so named becausee at certain times of the year the water flows in circles.  It  didn't.

After a late lunch we reached the Tree Top Walk.  These amazing walkways swayed even if with only two of us on them - although it was quite windy.

We drove on to Albany to our next overnight stop.

We began Friday with a walk on Middleton Beach which was about half a mile from where we stayed.

We drove into Albany visiting the Desert Mounted Corps Memorial at the top of a steep hill.  The troops had left from Albany to go to England but their ship was diverted to Egypt from where they were sent to Gallipoli.

The view from the top was amazing.

We started driving north.  I particularly wanted to see the Pink Pool at Cranbrook.

We stopped for a hot drink at Katanning.  The coffee shop was in an old flour mill and the owners had retained much of the metalwork in the premises and this flour bag printing press.

We continued north to York for our final night in Western Australia.

On Saturday morning we visited a small market and then the Motor Museum.  I feel much the same about Motor Museums as I do about Maritime Museums.  Although to be fair we don't often visit Motor Museums.
A couple of buildings in York:

York is famous for its Swinging Bridge.

We visited a Patchwork Exhibtion and walked around a Wildflower Reserve, where unfortunately there were no wildflowers.  Apparently the Spring weather this year (August/September) had meant the flowers didn't grow.

We set off for Northam and the  only opportunity there was to see any Silo Art for which Western Australia is famous.

And onto our final visit of the day.  This was Toodyay - pronounced 2jay.  Of course!  We went round this flour mill which gave a really good insight into the social history of the town.

After lunch we walked round a Christmas shop purely to be able to make a video of it for two of my Christmas-obsessed friends.

Then it was time to drive to the airport.  We actually arrived about an hour earlier than planned but it did make for a leisurely check-in with no queues.

17 hours on a plane and 7 time zones saw us reach London Heathrow.  It had been 32 degrees C when we left Perth and 4 degrees when we arrived in the UK.  Shiver, shiver!

Thanks for joining me on my trip to Western Australia.

I'll be back to posting twice a week now and normal service will resume with textile bits and pieces.



  1. Thank you for inviting us along with you on your visit to Australia.
    A most interesting and enjoyable trip! 🇦🇺


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