Saturday, 18 May 2024

Biography or Statement

This week I have been struggling with writing an Artist's CV and an Artists Biography.  I've yet to tackle the 'summarise your art practice' part of a project application I want to make.  More about the project in months to come.

I have also been looking back through some of my textile pieces so thought I would share this one with you.

Florida Freedom

I borrowed the format for the CV from Susan Purney-Mark so I have managed to complete that.

But the artist's biography - oh my!

It's so hard to blow one's own trumpet or even talk about ourselves.  Or is that just a British thing!?!  Do people in other countries stuggle like we do?

I have written the biography but it still needs polishing before I unleash it on the world!

In the meantime I suggested to the writers group I facilitate that they might like to write a Writers Biography.  Not sure how popular I'll be with that suggestion!

But that led me to thinking about this blog.  Why do I write it and who for?

Which is probably describing my practice rather than my writer's biography!

Actually I write it for me.  I don't have a reader in mind - the equivalent of a 'client avatar'.  I also don't do it to build up numbers of readers. In fact lately I've had a few people unsubscribe - maybe they are reading this via a different route.

I write it as a sort of journal.  I can look back at my memories of travel and holidays.  I can look back at my textile and mixed media progress.  I can look at the various workshops I've done.

And I get to take a few of you along with me - which is great.

I love sharing my creative practice with whoever reads my blog - whether you have an email subscription orfollow me on Facebook.  

I believe everyone - ALL - are creative but not necessarily artists.  Creativity takes many forms - just feel encouraged to do what you do.

And if you get any inspiration here then that's great.

See you next time.  Thanks for being here today.

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