Tuesday 28 May 2024

In progress

Lately I have been working on a new piece in my Dancing in Fetters series.  It is very different from my usual style.

It had been suggested to me that I use metal chain for this piece.  However I found that this would be too heavy to hang on a wall.  I bought this plastic chain which I thought would be easy to paint with acrylic paint.  How wrong I was!

However after several coats of paint - I lost count of how many - I was eventually satisfied that they looked suitably rusty.

I am using my Nonet poem again.  Each strand of chain has the number of links that matches the number of syllables in the line of poetry.

Much to my husband's bemusement - and that of the Evri delivery guy - I bought a piece of driftwood off Etsy.

The inspiration for having a piece of wood was this photo I took in Tasmania

It seemed to me that it was easier to buy the driftwood than try to distress a new piece of wood.

I wrote the lines of the poem on strips of fabric.

And wove the strips through the links.

I pinned the strip chains and then stitched them.

I heated some copper shim to discolour it and cut it into tags.  I printed the words of each line on the tags.

 I've yet to attach the tags to the chain.

The last thing will be to attach the finished piece to the driftwood.

Then on to the third piece in the series which will much less mixed-media and much more textile!

Thanks for being here today

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