Tuesday 14 May 2024

There's still time

There's still time to visit the Making Connections exibition by members of Midlands Textile Forum at Forge Mill Needle Museum in Redditch.  It's on until 4pm on Sunday June 2nd.

Here's a glimpse of some of the pieces you can see there.

I have 4 pieces on display.  Venice related.  Of course!

Stones of Venice

Three of the pieces are in display cabinets and really difficult to photograph so here they are at home!

O Sole  Mio

Not a book

Vennice Sketchbook

Do let me know if you go to see the exhibition.

I will be there on June 2nd from 1pm as one of the artists at a Meet the Artist session.  Hope to see you there.

Thanks for joining me today

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