Tuesday, 12 March 2013

A tag challenge

Today's challenge on 12 Months in View was to recycle tags and bits and pieces.

I rummaged in the little desk tidy thingy that I have where I put offcuts and painted things I don't like or don't know what to do with and pulled out a few things and put them with the tags I had cut off some new clothes.

I decided I would use the tag in the middle and when I turned it over there was lots of inkiness on it.  So I picked out the leftover doily, a bit of map, the ribbon from the tags and a bit of book page.

I inked the large tag with Distress Ink and stuck the doily on.    I stuck some of the book page on the small tag and then a bit of the map.  I tore the edge of map and inked it with black Distress ink.

I stamped birds onto the small tag and a quote onto the large one.   I glued the small tag to the larger tag and found some hearts that Art from the Heart use on the packages they send me.   I tied the ribbons on.

 I haven't worked out yet how I am going to put it into my journal.  I'll let you  know what I decide.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. OMG! Your tage came out beautiful, I love the colors and embellishments that you used. I have lot's of bits and pieces myself and am going to do this process. Thank you Bernice for your awesome ideas. Hugs!

  2. That's a great quote for your pretty tag - interesting to read how you did it too. I like the unicorn luggage one!

  3. Gorgeous colours, love how you've put all the bits together

  4. Love this tag of yours! Beautiful!


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