Saturday, 16 March 2013

Stencilled Newspaper

Today's technique on 12 Months in View was to make your own patterned paper from a piece of newspaper.

I tore 2 pieces of newspaper about the size of my journal with the intention of being able to stick the paper in later.   I covered the back of both pieces with white acrylic paint rather than gesso.  Then on one of the pieces I covered the other side with white acrylic and on the other one I used clear gesso.
Then I used a variety of stencils and 5 different colours of acrylic paint.  I tipped the paint out of my Dabbers and used a wet baby wipe but found that it worked better with a dry baby wipe.

I dried the acrylic paint between each colour and then sprayed 2 colours of Colorwash over it. I spread the Colorwash with a wet baby wipe.

When the Colorwash was dry I stencilled again with colour and then finally with some black and some white.

I did exactly the same with the clear gesso page.

The acrylic paint version has much more of a shine to it than the clear gesso version but I like the fact you can see the print through the stencilling.

I haven't decided what to do with this yet.  I'll let you know when I know!!

Thanks for popping by.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat idea. I've done something similar with brown paper bags, but I like to see the newsprint peeking through. Thanks for sharing,


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