Wednesday, 5 February 2014

12 months of photos

Every month on 12 Months in View we take a photograph of the same place, preferably at the same day and time.

I take photos of my back garden from my bedroom window.  Here's the view this month.

So now we have 12 photos.  How will you display yours?  You could print them all out and stick them in your journal.  You could make a mini book with them like one of those flicker books.  Or you could blog them!

In the UK we haven't seen a real difference between the seasons like we usually do.  In the last 12 months we have had a phenomenal amount of rain and unseasonably high temperatures in the Autumn and Winter.  So sadly the photos don't show the stunning difference we normally have through the seasons which I was hoping to show when I first thought up this challenge.

Here is my year:

Maybe you could choose another place to photograph and take one a month for the next 12 months.

Thanks for stopping by.

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