Monday, 3 February 2014

Identity: Crisis

Today is the first of a series of posts based on Identity: A Study of Ephesians.  The subject today is Identity: Crisis and in the teaching Rob talked about Saul hiding because he didn't see himself in the way that God saw him.

In my notebook I answered some of the questions.  I used the initial that is available on the Identity blog as a heading.  I used washi tape and doodles to decorate the page and wrote in different coloured pens. This isn't my usual handwriting - although similar. I tried to write fluidly using the whole space between the lines.  This way I didn't get into the whole 'I can't do this because I hate my handwriting' thing!

I printed out the prophetic word that was given to me and stuck it in my notebook.

I printed out the relevant scripture that ad been mentioned to me.  I left a blank page so that I can come back to this topic if I wish.

I showed how I made this journal here.   I went through it and worked out where I would make a journal page for each session of the study and put post-it notes.

 I printed out a large version of the downloadable letters so that I could use the sacks.  These represent the supplies that Saul was hiding behind.

I traced over the sacks and transferred them to my journal page.

I coloured them in with water soluble crayons.

And went over the crayon with a wet brush.  The colour underneath was slightly reactivated and blended with the wet crayon.

The main point for me from this session was that I should stop hiding and so I took the words that had been spoken over me.  I drew them in pencil and then went over them with a black pen.

I used the original inks that I had put on the papers but with a brush this time to colour the letters and the arrows.  I added a Teal ink as well.  I decorated with pens in white, black and silver.  I added a small amount of journaling.

If this has whetted your appetite to join in then do!  Go to the Identity blog to find out more and sign up for emails and the Facebook group.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Inspiring. Thought provoking. Lovely art work. Thanks for sharing.


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