Saturday, 21 June 2014

Textile Tags

On Wednesday I went to The Bramble Patch with Nicky to do a class with Angie Hughes called Tantalising Textile Tags.

We were asked to take some stamps with us and I was going to choose hearts and butterflies but then changed my mind and took map  related ones and some old maps.

We cut tags out of pelmet vile and then attached calico to them with bondaweb.  I made 3 tags 6x3 inches and one that was 10x3 inches.

We stamped on the calico and add bits and pieces.  These are my tags in progress.

At home I machined around the edges of each tag.

I trimmed round the tags and then frayed the edges.

I put eyelets in the tags.

I put a book ring through and tied some ribbons.

This has given me lots of ideas especially for the Advent study I am thinking of running later in the year.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love the inclusion of maps and the gorgeous color combinations, Bernice! Lovely!

  2. I love your textile tags! They are so wonderful.


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