Thursday, 26 March 2015

A great day out

On Wednesday, Roger & I drove over to near Bridgenorth, where I was dropped off at Laura Kemshall's new workshop studio to spend a day playing.  Roger went off walking on Clee Hill.

And here's some of what I did.


Here are some of the bits glued down in an unfinished composition.

I came away with a head full of ideas.  Of course whether this gets finished or gets chopped up into something else is anybody's guess.

But the day was fun and the process was great.  And that's all that matters.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Bernice, just wanted to say that I'm enjoying your adventures in art. I love that you're having a go at so many different techniques and styles and always happy to share. Thankyou for inspiring me to step outside my comfort zone too.

  2. Another wonderful technique - is this printing onto fabric Bernice?
    You certainly find some good workshops.

  3. Bernice, I've just looked at the website and am very inspired. I can see why you booked a workshop. The online videos look great too. I won't sign up now as I already have several online classes on the go and lots of my own in preparation but I am certainly interested in signing up later. I love working in fabric and the fact there are books and binding ticks all my boxes. Thank you for posting details as I have not heard of Linda and Laura Kemshall before.

  4. just do the most yummy stuff. I just want to touch it and lay my head on it. I love it.


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