I really like the finished bird textile book so I thought I would make another one. I didn't think the first one was particularly mixed media so I wanted to see if I could add more.
And of course I need a theme for the book. Can you guess what it is!
Well, of course it's Venice. What else would it be!!!
I started by laying out bits of fabric, paper, painted Bondaweb and book page on the calico.
Eventually it ended up like this.
I machine stitched the bottom third of the fabric but forgot to take photo. I did some handstitching on it at our Traverse weekend.
The next step was to machine again and this is what met me when I went into the craft room aka the dining room.
I was able to put sufficient away to be able to get the machine out. Who am I kidding? Nothing got put away, I just moved piles of stuff to make piles of stuff somewhere else!
I machined around the bits of fabric I had bondawebbed on and then machined the spaces.
Sorry the photos aren't very clear when I'm trying to get the whole book in. Here's a close up.
Instead of finishing the book with the turned in edges as last time, I left the frayed edges when I added the back. Then I folded it and pin tucked the fold to make a zigzag book.
Here it is again showing the folds.
I still don't think it's sufficiently mixed media to be called a mixed media book. I'm going to give some more thought and maybe make another one with beads and bits of metal. And maybe some stencilling. What do you think?
Thanks for joining me today.
It's wonderful! I love your stippling stitching. :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful book and a great photo tut.