Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Photos for Inspiration

On my computer I have gathered together photos into folders labelled Buildings, Decay, Line, Machines, Pattern, Rust, Shape and Texture.  Whenever and wherever I am out and about I take photos of these things which possibly have no relation to the outing I'm on.  They are supposed to provide inspiration for sketchbook work but really just reside on the computer.

So far there are 91 photos to do with Lines.  Fear not, I'm not going to share all of them here!


Thanks for joining me today

1 comment:

  1. Lovely imagery to work with, and oh how I wish I'd been that disciplined with my photos. There are so many now that I am daunted by the whole idea of sorting them into sensible folders, so they are scattered amongst other folders and I think to myself, "I know I took a picture of x, but where the heck is it?"
    Look forward to seeing how your book develops - mixed media is another thing that rather daunts me - as a child if we were asked to do collage at school my heart sank!! It's really inspiring to see what lovely images you create with yours


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