Saturday 28 May 2022

5 pieces

Do you remember I made these two long flowing pieces?

I decided the way I wanted to hang them in an exhibition - if they ever get into an exhibition - wouldn't work.  So I chopped them up, and using the mechanism Roger made me for my first piece, I made three long pieces from the original two.

This is the first piece I made in the canal series

 There are two other pieces.  One I finished in February

And the one I finished last week which could have been Venice but fits better with these canal pieces.  So think aqueducts!

I've been working on one more canal piece.  I decided to take all the leftover bits of fabric from all the other pieces above and make them into one last hanging.

None of the photos are really wonderful.  I don't have anywhere I can hang the pieces of work to photograph them.

I thought I would try mocking up what the pieces might look like as an exhibition.

I rather like it.

I'm going to have a rest from canals now but I shall probably come back to them.

For now I'm going to delve into something different.  And no, not Venice!

Thanks for joining me today


  1. LOVE the aqueduct hanging! My mind can play along the canal when I look at it.

  2. You are incredibly talented.


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