Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Altered Journal

Did I mention the workshop with Tim Holtz before?   Possibly.  I went to the Artful Journal workshop at Art From The Heart.    And if you have read my blog before you will have noticed that the cover of the book I made last week has changed.    It said 'Give Thanks' before.  And it is my intention to make a gratitude journal but I realised this wasn't the book to do it in.  

Previously on newly creative (sounds like a TV programme on Five!) I also explained that I was making a book to record my Journal Workshop and the one I'm going to on Thursday at ArtsyCrafty.   I may have mentioned that one before as well!  
Anyway, to cut what is increasingly becoming a very long story, short I decided I wasn't much struck on the cover I'd made for my book so I cut it up and stuck the letters inside the covers of the Artful Journal.  Here's the 't' at the front and the 'h' is at the back.  
Btw, it wasn't 'th' ~ it was Tim's initials!!

Here are some photos of the inside pages.   I haven't done the writing yet in case I change my mind again.    

I 'borrowed' one or two photos from Mario's tweets, thank you Mario ~ especially the ones that had me on them!  That's my left arm!

And here I am again, with the man himself, Tim Holtz.

There are several pages left in the Journal to add all about ArtsyCrafty.  Come back at the end of the week to find out all about it.

And finally here's an update on the journaling background I blogged about on Saturday.   It now has a bit of zing to it.  Thanks Dyan for the tips.


  1. Its amazing Bernice! I LOVE your stuff.

  2. Love it! Wish I had been in the class, too :) What a great idea - doing a minibook of Tim's class!!

  3. Oooh, love that journal. You're such a lucky lady to have gone to that workshop.

  4. Two classes with Tim - sigh - I know that you had a fabulous time! Isn't he the BEST!!! Love both your configuration box and the journal - it must have been fun to play with some of Tim's new stuff!!!


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