Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The first day of the rest of my life?

 So, yesterday I officially retired. Not for the first time in my life.  I retired at 43 years old from teaching!  A few years later I worked as the church administrator and retired from that after 13 years.  In January 2010 I was asked to help set up a new local company and I left there yesterday ~ so now I am retired and today is the first day of the rest of my life.

And to celebrate I'm driving to Yorkshire this afternoon and attending the Tim Holtz workshop at Art From The Heart tomorrow.   I think I may have mentioned it before! 

I've been working some more on some of the backgrounds in my Brave Girl Art Journal.  I've added some stamping and some more pages using the ghosting technique that Dyan showed us.  (scroll down my blog to find the video)

This page has some birds on that was a free download from Chris 

I didn't like this page very much so I tried adding another layer of colour

 It may or may not be an improvement!

 This one is done with Dylusion acrylic paint rather than the spray inks.

With this one I sprayed the inks and then wiped them with a baby wipe so the whole page was covered.  Then I sprayed ink and then water so the ink would move about.  When this was dry I sprayed with water and lifted some colour off.

Then I used the ghosting technique - spraying water through stencils.

Off to have lunch now, and then Yorkshire here I come!


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