Saturday 7 January 2012

Divine Romance week 4

The creative exercise for week 4 was to get out with a camera and take photos.  Just what I like to do.  Plus I had set myself the goal of taking one long walk each week, so why not combine the two?

I went to Blythe Valley Countryside Park which is just beside the M42 Junction 4.  It surrounds the Blythe Valley Business Park and I had never walked round it before.

I took 122 photos!  I reduced these to 97 by removing the blurry and the not very good.  Although one of my goals is to use the Manual setting on my camera ~ I didn't on this occasion.

I've yet to fully complete the exercise as there are questions to answer, which include:

Was this an activity that you enjoyed or found difficult? What about it did you find enjoyable/difficult?

  • Out of the pictures you took, what resonated with you the most?

  • What is it about those pics that spoke to you? Was it God speaking to a current life situation? Or maybe speaking to your creative heart? Be as specific as possible.

  • How could you use this information to inform your art-making process?
You will be able to find my answers (when I've done them) by clicking here or on the Faith & Art tab at the top of my blog.

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