Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Drum Roll please

Well after going all round the houses and not being sure about what I wanted to choose as my one little word I'm back where I started.  Yes that's right my word is focus!

from Pinterest
So despite having written in a previous post  "However the problem with Focus for me is that I could just focus my thinking but not actually do anything!  I need a more active verb.",  I changed my when I came across this quote:
from Pinterest

So here I am settling on the word focus and trying to work out how I'm going to set goals to go with that.   There are areas of life that I want to concentrate on, to focus on:
faith, fitness, photography, fun, friends, fellowship, family, art. I also want to finish things that I start.
from wordle.net

I've started with the easiest one to set goals for:

Fitnessand Health
1. go for a long walk once a week
2. exercise four times a week
3. lose 3 pounds in weight per month
4. drink three glasses of water per day

I'm still working on the other goals and the action steps.


  1. So that is why you had lots of pinterest pins with focus in...hmm, must do that myself!

    I am sure you will find that it focus' your mind, your spirit and your actions through the year.

  2. I've also picked focus, will be interesting to read along to see how your getting on!

  3. The word CLARITY picked me and your goals are very much like mine! Here we go in 2012!!!

  4. Choosing the right word is most important and obviously you are going to be able to use yours in all the aspects of life that you had talked about. Well done!

  5. FOCUS is a good word, I had that a couple of years ago.


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