Tuesday, 31 January 2012

January pages

I am amazed to find myself up-to-date with my January entries in my Scrapbook Life Journal.   The first few entries can be seen in this post.

And here are the rest of my pages.

These are the walks that I have done:

We were asked to cut out words from magazines.  No other information.  Just cut out words that jumped out to us as we went through the magazine.  A few days later we were given the instructions for what to do with the words.   We had to make sentences across a double page of our scrapbook.  Remember that we cut up scrapbook cardstock at the beginning and out them randomly into the binder.  

And this was what I came up with.

I did this extra page as a result of some of the things I have been thinking about.  Plus I was inspired by a photo I saw on Pinterest.

I'm looking forward to Stephanie's next assignments for February.

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