Thursday, 12 January 2012

Scrapbook Life Journal 2012 update

I've been working on and off over the past 2 weeks on my Life Journal.  Each week Stephanie provides resources and prompts.

The back cover of my binder

The front cover

 The January divider

Stephanie provided this doodle for us to colour.

The theme for January is Honesty

 My One Little Word for 2012 is FOCUS and to help me focus I listed my goals for the year

On UKScrappers there's a thread where people encourage each other to walk each week.  My goal this year is to take one long walk each week and here are the layouts I've done in my Life Journal to remind me of the walks.


  1. love this journal, I started doing more walks last year, must look for that thread x

  2. To plan, think, and then write your goals down---what excellent commitment you have for these plans of action! Best to you this busy, exciting, creative year!!! Very inspiring...


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