Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Paper Lamination with Christine Chester

Last year I did Christine Chester's 'Poetry of Decay' workshop.  I went straight home and booked my next workshop with her, 'Paper Lamination', which was hosted by InStitches.

Above: newspaper collage with polyester fabric stretched and pinned over before applying matte medium through a Thermofax screen.    Below:  hanging out to dry

Part of the way through removing the newspaper

All that was left!  I didn't apply enough matte medium.  Lesson learned!

Pieces for the next collage

The large gap is because the map looking paper peeled straight off.  I think it was a waxed paper.

Next exercise:  a whole piece not a collage

With the paper removed.

The next exercise involved fabric, tissue paper, pencil crayons, gesso and the sewing machine!

And here are the results

On day two we tried lightly brushing gesso onto fabric to laminate a photcopy.  Sadly I brushed too much gesso so it doesn't look as distressed as I had hoped.

This was a montage exercise

I played with two images and put a lot of matte medium on

This was images of Venice with a 'watery' Thermofax screen.  I was so pleased that the last one was the best.  It's so good to know when you have improved over two days!

All my samples laid out for the show and tell.

Book now: Christine will be doing this workshop in 2019 courtesy of Textile Explorations.  Sign up for the newsletter so that you get all the news first.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I love these!! Some of these pieces-even though they may not have turned out the way you thought-are really wonderful! What great techniques and it looks like you had fun :)


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