Wednesday 5 July 2017

20 days in North America: Chicago pt 2

Saturday saw us taking the Blue Line to Downtown and then walking to the river to book tickets for the Architecture boat trip.  We had to wait for a while so we went round the small but very specific McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum.You could see the winding gear that is used to open up the bridge.

And from a tiny window at the top see all the bridges across the Chicago River.

The guide on the boat was amazing and we learned such a lot about different types of building styles.  And I took lots of photos of buildings I now can't name! Sorry.

I love to take photos of the reflections of buildings in other buildings' windows - more of that next time.  Here's a reflection of the boat we were on.  We were sat on the very back row.

More buildings!

The Sears Tower - which is now called the Willis Tower.  108 storeys high.

We had lunch after the boat trip and then walked along the Magnificent Mile to the Johnn Hancock Tower.

A larger than life statue of Abraham Lincoln handing a copy of the Gettysburgh Address to an 'everyman'.

The lift to the 96th floor of the John Hancock building.

And the view from the restaurant rather than the viewing floor.

The best view of the city was from the ladies restroom!

This gorgeous sculpture was in the lobby.

We walked back through the city - it was the hottest day of the year - around 37 degrees C - but felt considerably hotter.

There was a very shiny sculpture called Cloud Gate but is nicknamed The Bean which produces some interesting reflections.

By this time we were totally exhausted.  We found a really lovely Italian restaurant for dinner and then took the train back to the hotel.

Next time:  All about reflections

Thanks for stopping by.

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