Friday, 15 February 2013

Drum roll: Announcement

12 Months In View

This is a new creative challenge blog starting on March 4th 2013.  Each month there will be creative challenges which you can interpret in any way.  Some will more obviously fit art journaling or scrapbooking but the challenges will include photography, cooking, sewing and writing.

The theme across the year will be Seasons with sub-themes within the season and the month.

Most of the challenges will be posted in the first week of the month with added blog posts throughout each month.  This will give participants a month in which to complete the challenges.

There is a Facebook group where you will be able to chat about the challenges.

I do hope you will join me in this new venture.  If you would like to check out other challenge blogs I have run please go to An Attitude of Gratitude and An A to Z of Me.


  1. sounds great, thank you so much for organising these journalling challenges for us bernice :)

  2. So looking forward to these Bernice.

  3. Wow Bernice, you're on fire! I am so busy in March, but don't want to miss out on your creative fun! Count me in!

  4. Anything but cooking!!! But you know me I could improvise I'm sure.

  5. Will have a look in; sound like it will be fun and challenging.

  6. Looks like fun, especially the photography :) Maybe I will use a section of my blog as my journal. Can I do that?

  7. I'll be playing along with you

  8. These photographs are so lovely! I think I"ll try to play along with this one - I've just been enjoying the A to Z from afar!


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