Saturday, 1 August 2015

TMD: Honour week 5

Take Me Deeper is a weekly Bible Study from His Kingdom Come.  Each month we have a theme and the theme for July was Honour.

I wrote the prompts for this month with the aid of the series Rob Davey brought at Jubilee Church and a talk by Becky Webb on what it means to encounter the Kingdom of God like a child.   You can listen to Rob's Talks here.

Last week's theme was Honouring Others.  This week we are looking at Honouring Ourselves.

I had used the map stencil last week and wiped it off on the pages for this week.

Then I added the bible page and gesso as before.  I journaled on the page.  I turned the journal upside down to write several sentences.   Then I turned the journal 90 degrees and wrote the remaining sentences over the top.

I sprayed some more turquoise ink on the two pages which made the writing run as I hadn't used a waterproof ink pen.   I used a stencil and some pink spray ink to do the page on the right.

I used the vine Thermofax screen again with black and white acrylic paint.  I drew round the letters in the words courage, freedom and grace with an orange pen to highlight them.

I printed out the verse and glued it down.

Thanks for stopping by.

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