Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Glimpses of Jesus 16

Glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament is a year long bible study written by Simon Clay of Jubilee Church Solihull.   You can join in at any time.

Today's post is about Boaz being the Kinsman-Redeemer for Ruth in Ruth 4:1-22

I had been watching some short videos by Hilary Beattie on using Gelatos and thought I would try them on the page.  I glued pieces of hymn book music to the page with Matte Medium and glued over the top.

I put the colours at the top of the page and spritzed water and held the page up so the coloured water would drip down.

It didn't work particularly well - either I hadn't put enough colour or the the gelato didn't like the glue!

Then I drew a cross with the Stabilo pencil and wet it with a wet brush.  The water reacted with the glue!  I used sticker letters for the words.

Do have a look back through the posts on the Glimpses of Jesus blog where you will find links to other people's art and poetry.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This is a great page. I love how the cross turned out with the pencil and water. So creative!

  2. This is a great page. I love how the cross turned out with the pencil and water. So creative!


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