Monday, 11 April 2016

Hartlebury Common to Kidderminster

Since 2012 Roger & I have been taking long walks alongside the canals of the Midlands.  This walk involved taking the train to Kidderminster and a bus to Hartlebury Common.

The thing I like about canal walks is that they are mostly on the flat and in my mind a Common was also flat.  Wrong!  There was a steepish walk from the bus stop to the top of the Common but the views were worth it.

After walking across Hartlebury Common we walked down on to a road where we found the footpath to take us to the river.  Having just come down a hill I was delighted (not) to have to walk up this flight of steps!

And up the hill

Yet again spectactular view.

And then back down these steps.

We walked to where the canal met the river Severn at this lock

And then walked alongside the canal to Stourport.

We stopped for a drink at a pub next to this house.  Have a look at the doors and windows. They seem to be more vertical in the photo than they actually were!

We walked through Stourport

We stopped for lunch at a pub next to the canal

After lunch we walked alongside the canal back to Kidderminster

This was the site of a lock that lifted boats from the river to the canal.

Here you can see where the canal was cut through the red sandstone.

The walk ended up being 9.77 miles by the time we got back to the station to catch the train home.  I was somewhat exhausted!

Thanks for stopping by.

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