Monday, 25 April 2016

Rest days and zoo day

In my previous post I shared photos of the first six days of my holiday and I was going to share another six but there are far too many photos.

This was another rest day.  We watched the birds in the back garden and tried hard to get some decent photos but mostly the birds moved so the photos are blurred.

Betsy & I walked to the local Walgreens to get some photos printed and walked back the long way alongside this ditch which may or may not be home to alligators!  I've never see one there.  We ended up walking 3.75 miles.

I had arranged to spend the day with my friend Suki who is my daughter-in-law's mother's sister's mother-in-law!  Does that mean we are related?

That aside, I could choose what we did and as I had seen lots of photos on Suki's Facebook page I opted for the zoo.  I have really tried to cut down the number of photos!  The zoo was divided up into continental zones eg Africa, Australasia.




In the middle of the zoo was this sculpture exhibition

Suki with a giant puffin


There were lots of different birds in the zoo and most of them posed for photos.  I think this one was asleep.

This beautiful sculpture on a bench was dedicated to a two year old who had died.

These two were hidden away.

On Tuesday night I went out with Lauren for dinner.  We had a Thai main course and then went to an ice cream shop for dessert.  Lauren is my daughter-in-law's sister-in-law!  Can you tell that this only child has been taken into a very large Latino family.

Betsy & I went to Cocoa village (as opposed to Cocoa Beach - a different place entirely) to have lunch at this lovely cafe.   We had a walkabout and a driveabout and ended up at a store to buy me a new suitcase as mine had been damaged during the flight over to Florida.

The new suitcase weighs 5 pounds instead of the 10 pounds the previous one weighed.  Oh yes!  More room for craft goodies on the way home.

Thanks for stopping by.

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